Wednesday 29 October 2008

The Ultimate Goal

The goal of 2-Sox Xtreme is to nurture precocious athletic talent up to a point when self-same talented individual(s) will be able to take part in the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling Chase and Win.

A full description of the Cooper’s Hill event will be added to this Team Blog later, but for now just relax in the knowledge that it involves chasing a whole 7 pound Double Gloucester cheese down a 1-in-1 gradient hillside, and trying not to break any limbs.

To this end, we will be shaping a training regime over many years to (maybe) ensure victory.

Inspired by comedian/boffin Rory McGrath we also aim to take part in traditionally British sporting events, and in fact have undertaken our first sortie at the World Snail Racing Championships in Congham, Norfolk, in July 2008 (report to be reproduced soon).

Ultimate Goal - Win A Seven Pound Double Gloucester Cheese


auntiegwen said...

who says middle aged people don't know how to have a good time !!!!

Godarmy said...

It is happy to see your posting. Yes really informative article. I will tell this information again to my friend, oh yes I suggest you to check my blog on sport world , I hope the article on my blog will be usefull for you… and we can share each other. thank you… ;-)

2-Sox Admin said...

Thanks for popping over to the new place! Nice to see you again AG (middle-aged, hrmph!), and welcome Premchai.