Wednesday 18 February 2009

First Time At The Skatepark

A historic day for 2SX - the first visit to the fantastic indoor skatepark at Lynnsport. Our team captain, Sam, was a little apprehensive - justifiably nervous of the unknown I suppose - but had a terrific time. I won't rabbit on, I'll just post up some photos. If you've got any questions please feel free to ask.


Z said...

An honourable wound, bravely won. Well done, Sam.

2-Sox Admin said...

The first of many, we expect? Having never been part of the creation of a Dangerous And/Or Traditional British Sport Club before, has anyone got any way of predicting the casualty rate?

This injury was down to "helmet burn" though, not a spectacular accident.....but we don't need to tell that to anyone do we.....